Monday, June 22, 2015

Review - Ramrod by Strix Elixirs

Strix Elixirs


One of the most popular type of flavors of e-juice are the cereal flavors.  It seems like lots of companies out there are trying their hand at popular flavors like Trix, Captain Crunch, Froot Loops, and other breakfast cereals – these companies are all trying to get as close to these flavors (with milk, mind you) as they possibly can.

So how does a company distinguish themselves in a market like this?

I was very excited to see that the wonderful people at Strix Elixirs had found just the way to do this.  Their newest juice flavor is called Ramrod, and, according to their website, the flavor profile is:

Our Ramrod flavor takes fruity cereal rings to the next level by leaving out the milk. Ever eaten a whole box of plain cereal or one of those little individual packs? Yep, this juice is just like that.

With a description like that, I had to try this juice.  One of my favorite snacks while watching movies at home is a handful of cereal straight out of the box.  So this juice sounded like something right up my alley!

As much as I’d love to go on and on about the different qualities of this juice – about how it smells and tastes with no heat versus how it smells and tastes when vaped – there’s not a lot of distinctions that could be made between the two.


Because the smell and taste of this juice, whether straight from the bottle or while vaping it, is exactly as promised.  This juice tastes just like you’ve grabbed a handful of Froot Loops right out of the box and popped them into your mouth.  From the little hints of the flavors you pick up to the taste in the back of your throat, this juice reminded me of the cereal from first taste to last.

If you’re a fan of cereal vape juice, this is a definite must have in your juice collection.  The flavor definitely will NOT disappoint!

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